Continuous Delivery Kickstart Workshop

Getting started doing Continuous Delivery can be difficult. There’s a genuine chicken-or-egg aspect to it. Do we start with process, stop the line, and improve testing and quality slowly until we get feel confident to release every commit? Do we focus on automating deployment so we can shorten our feedback cycle? Or do we start with a delivery pipeline and have it point the way to our problems?

In this kickstart workshop we simply get started. We build a first delivery pipeline for a project. We create it so it’s in source control and reusable. We build, test and deploy on a controlled virtual environment.

In two days you and your team will learn:

  • How to take full control over your environments
  • How to run and (re-)configure a new Jenkins instance in seconds
  • How to deploy an application in a Docker container
  • How to deal with issues of environment specific configuration when using Docker
  • How to create a delivery pipelines in Jenkins using Jenkins Job Builder / Jenkins workflow plugin
  • How to quickly deploy whole new environments using Docker and Docker Swarm
  • How to deal with connectivity between Docker containers

At the end you’ll have built the whole pipeline from scratch yourself, so you will know exactly what you need to do to get there with your own code.

Contact me for the three day in-house training where we build a working pipeline for your code!